Structure of Ministry of Health of Bulgaria
23/12/2018 | 07:31 AM

Management Team
![]() Health Minister
| ![]() Deputy Minister of Health
| ![]() Deputy Minister of Health
| ![]() Deputy Minister of Health
Cabinet Team
![]() Head of Cabinet
| ![]() Parliamentary Secretary
| ![]() Prof. Dr. Krasimir Borisov Gigov Secretary General
| ![]() Chief State Health Inspector
General Administration
- Budget and Finance Directorate
Involved in the development of regulations, plans and programmes related to the financing and reporting of expenditures in the healthcare system. Involved in budgeting processes of national programmes and projects in the field of healthcare.
- Administrative Services Directorate
Organizes and coordinates the administrative services to individuals and legal entities. Responsible for the implementation of electronic administrative services in accordance with the E-government Act and regulations for its implementation. Organizes the recruitment and selection of staff.
- Public Relations and Protocol Directorate
Plans, coordinates and implements media policy of the Ministry and the public presentation of the Minister, Cabinet members and officials of the Ministry and ensures publicity and transparency of the activities of the Ministry.
- Legal Directorate
Develops, coordinates and participates in the preparation of draft regulations within the competence of the Minister or related to the Ministry’s activities and gives advice in connection with their application.
Specialized administration
- Medical Services Directorate
Develops, coordinates and participates in the preparation of regulations in the field of medical services, medical education and training, health, child protection, reproductive health, assisted reproduction.
- Health Control Directorate
Assists the Minister in managing the national healthcare system in the control of activities related to the prevention of infectious diseases and limiting their spreading, health promotion and prevention of risk factors for chronic non-infectious diseases.
- Promotion and Prevention of Diseases and Addictions Directorate
Provides technical assistance to the National Drug Council, organizing the preparation of board meetings and coordinates the implementation of decisions taken at the meetings.
- Drug Policy Directorate
Assists the Minister in the conduct of drug policy as part of the national health policy. Plans, allocates and controls the central supply of medicinal products for medical institutions.
- Planning, Analysis and Control Directorate
Collects and summarizes information from all data sets and databases administered by the Ministry, with the purpose for preparation of analyzes, strategies and plans in the field of healthcare.
- International Activities Directorate
Assists the Minister in planning, organizing and carrying out his duties concerning coordination and EU membership.
- International Projects and e-Health Directorate
Acts as coordination unit in identifying opportunities and developing projects financed by the Structural Funds of the European Union or other international financial institutions and sponsors in the field of healthcare. Responsible for integration of systems and services at the Ministry to central systems of e-governance.
- Companies and Property Directorate
Prepares comprehensive documentation related to restructuring of state participation in the capital of companies with state participation in the capital through transformations, increasing/decreasing the capital, etc.
- Public Procurement Directorate
Plans, organizes, coordinates and is responsible for the activities of public procurement in the Ministry in accordance with legal requirements and applicable procurement rules of the European Community and national law, and is responsible for their lawful conduct.
- Objectives
The Inspectorate is directly subordinated to the Minister and ensures the implementation of his control functions in the conduct of state policy by exercising administrative control in the Ministry and in the secondary budgetary authorities to the Minister.
The Inspectorate aims at comprehensive, objective, impartial and accurate clarification of investigated cases and proposing measures to address them in order to:
Prevent and eliminate violations in the administration functioning;
Independent and objective assessment of the administration activity;
Improve the work of the administration.
- Basic functions
Performs complex, planned, themed, exceptional and subsequent inspections of structures, activities and processes in carrying out administrative activities in the Ministry and in the secondary budgetary authorities to Minister.
Assess the corruption risk and suggests mitigation measures.
Collects and analyzes information and carries out inspections for violations, acts of corruption and inefficient work of the administration.
Investigates signals against illegal or improper actions or inactions of officials from the Ministry and from the secondary budgetary authorities to Minister.
Monitors the compliance with laws, regulations and internal regulations for the organization of work of officials of the Ministry and of the secondary budgetary authorities to Minister.
Internal Audit Directorate
Purpose and Scope
The main objective of the Internal Audit Directorate is an independent and objective activity for providing assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the organization’s activities.
The Directorate operates on an internal audit of all structures, programmes, activities and processes in the Ministry of Health, including officers authorizing funds from the European Union, authorizing officers at lower level, in companies under Art. 61 of the Companies Act, in state enterprises under Art. 62, para. 3 of the Companies Act and in medical institutions - companies with joint state and municipal participation in the capital when these organizations have no independent internal audit unit established.
Auditors are entitled to conduct inspections in structures and individuals outside the organization in which they operate.