19/12/2018 | 08:59 AM

Hosted by the University of Sydney on Thursday 13th December 2018, this full day event highlighted successes in research and education between the University of Sydney and its partners in Viet Nam. The Showcase engaged local partners in a new vision for the University of Sydney in Viet Nam.
The formal morning session was attended by the Australian Ambassador and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) of the University of Sydney. Leading researchers from both countries presented their research across a wide range of academic disciplines.

On behalf of the Ministry of Health of Viet Nam, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Giang Huong , Director General of International Cooperation Dept delivered the opening remark. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Giang Huong highly appreciated the strong, active supports from Australia Government and partnership to Viet Nam people’s health. This Symposium was not only an outstanding example but also a significant milestone for the collaboration between the University of Sydney and Viet Nam health sector.
Two remarkable areas that Australian and Viet Nam partners have collaborated are research and education. The extension of these achievements and coperation has shifted to other research in COPD and asthma, or antimicrobial resistance which are all high emerging issues in Viet Nam. The most important rationale for the development of this relationship is that the Ministry of Health of Viet Nam recognized the multidisciplinary and collaborative approach that the University of Sydney brought through the working methods of professors and projects they are working with Vietnam.
The afternoon session focused upon strategies for academic success in research, and presentation of research abstracts. With variety of topics for example radiologist, pneumonia, anthropology etc, the Symposium aimed to foster the interdisciplinary research and education between University of Sydney and partners in Viet Nam.